任卓昇醫生 香港基督徒醫生及牙醫團契主席
This year 2021/2022 is the 47th year of CMDF. By the grace of our loving Lord, and the unwavering supports of all our senior and respected brothers and sisters, the younger generation has carried on the torch to move our Fellowship forward. I firmly believe CMDF is our family for ALL Christian doctors and dentists across ALL generations, where we can share, support and serve each other. With our united witness, we can serve our community with ourChristian faith.

CMDF five pillars of visions (5”M”) :
1) To Worship and Glorify God by our united witness. (Magnifying God)
2) To Serve our community with our professional expertise. (Ministry)
3) To Evangelize via local and overseas medical missionary works. (Mission)
4) To provide a platform for Fellowship. (Membership)
5) To Disciple our doctors and students with Bible. (Maturation)
CMDF Monthly Gatherings
We organise monthly fellowship on the second Monday of every month at FES office.
Due to the COVID-19 breaks out in the early time, we have to change the mode to zoom meeting but we have resumed physical gathering in June. Invited speakers included the followings:
1. Dr. Ng Tze Kong & Wu Mei Ling (missionary service in Cambodia)
2. Thanksgiving Day
3 Rev. Liu Chin Ping, Barnabas (柳鎮平牧師)
4. Dr. Oswens Lo
5. Dr. Deacons Yeung
COVID-19 Prayer meeting and Medical Support Group
We have organized 5 sessions (March 7, 21, 28 & April 4, 11) of weekly prayer meetings on March and April 2022 during the 5th Wave of COVID-19. We have organized COVID-19 CMDF Medical Support Group to provide medical educations to the public and those in need, in view of the unmet medical demand during the 5th Wave. In total, we have organized 8 sessions medical support service, co-organized with various churches and NGOs, to provide medical education and counselling to the families in need.
Media ministry: Medicine & Life (醫學人生) the LAST Book
This project is completed and ended in 2020 and the LAST book of the series is published.
We have published the seventh book of our “Medicine & Life” series – “Medicine, Life, Blessings”. This is a completion of 2019/2020 articles at Ming Pao.(醫學、人 生、福)
We have contributed articles in the publication of Hong Kong Association of Hospital Chaplaincy.(關心雜誌~醫護 心語專欄)
International/ National Conferences and Collaboration
The ICMDA EAST ASIA Conference 2022 is host by Mongolian Christian Medical Association (MCMA) in Mongolia (Date: 3-7th August in hybrid meeting)
Houseman Career Conference
We have co-organised our annual Houseman Career Conference (Zoom), with Christian Doctors Network on 6th Nov, with over 340+ participants. The coming Conference 2022 will be held on 26th November. COS sharing, CV preparation and Practical tips on job interview were discussed followed by group sharing with different subspecialties doctors. This is a meaningful ministry to serve our housemen during the important period of their
Medical Benefit Scheme for Christian Pastoral Staff
Through the Medical Benefit Scheme, CMDF continued to serve the pastors, missionaries and seminary students by providing specialist medical and dental service and professional opinion. This ministry can give prompt assessment and treatment of Christian workers in order to equip them with a good physical and mental health to serve. Currently, we have 31 members joined our scheme to serve around 347 candidates.
Mentorship Programme
Mentorship Programme 2022 was commenced with ongoing recruitment of mentees. Around 20 passionate mentors have joined the programme to serve.
Elective Programme ~ Clinical Attachment in overseas Mission Hospital
It has been launched in Jan. 2018 & there are 5 students sent to mission hospitals in India, Bangladesh and Nepal before. The programme is suspended in 2020 & 2021 due to the outbreak of COVID 19 but it has been resumed. 1 student sent to Bangladesh in 2022 and 1 student will be sent to Nepal in 2023.
2022 Graduation Thanksgiving and Blessing
It is a good opportunity for our senior brothers and sisters to carry our blessings, love and support to the newly graduates, with over 50 participants come to gathering on 2nd Jun, 2022, and we pray for all fresh graduates aspire to be His witness and serve as salt and light at the workplace.
Saline Movement (co-organized with CDN, HCF, NCF)
We have planned a series of activities of this programme and we get a very good positive feedback from our brothers and sisters in each activity.
1. Vision Sharing on 4th Jul,2022 (over 55 participants)
2. Revival Gathering on 26th Aug, 2022 (over 130 participants)
3. Saline Training Course on 12th Nov, 2022 (53 participants am / 47 participants pm session)
Retreat Camp
We have resumed Retreat Camp on 1st Oct. at the prayer room of the divinity school of Chung Chi College. We are delighted to have Professor Francis Ching-Wah Yip / Rev. Choi Chung Ho, Andrew as camp speakers, sharing with us on the theme of “體認上帝的同在”. Over 30 doctors / dentists / students came together for worship, sharing, retreat, and refreshment in God.
Medical Student Gathering
We have held our medical student gathering on 24th Oct. at the chapel of the divinity school of Chung Chi College. We are delighted to have Professor Vincent Mok as keynote speaker / Rev. Choi Chung Ho, Andrew as guest speaker, sharing with us on the theme of “Equip for Higher Calling in your Golden Times”, the purpose of the gathering is to strengthen and help the students how to prepare and equip themselves to receive a higher calling from God and ready to take challenge being a doctor in the near future. Over 40 students came to the gathering.