Annual Appeal 2025
mpanions of FES,
I remember meeting with Rev Timothy Au, an honourably retired teacher of CGST, at the end of last year. Besides discussing the arrangements for staff retreat camp, he repeatedly expressed to me and my co-workers, “The work of FES in this era proves to be very important and crucial, therefore, you must persevere!” I wholeheartedly agree with this, especially at a time when youth ministry is seeking for a way out, and the mission and ministry of FES to build up student evangelical communities on campuses shows a great deal of significance. If youth ministry fails, how can we possibly see a future for the church?
We all feel the challenges brought by the current situation in the past few years. Yet when I closely count God’s faithful guidance in the FES team, I am greatly thankful for the fruitfulness of all our ministries. During the pandemic, we started the “idontdevotion” Instagram, which allowed secondary school students to learn about the Lord of Life through daily Bible reading and prayer. By the end of last year, the number of people reached by “idontdevotion” rose to 15,000 per month, including secondary school students, tertiary students and youth instructors, and the number of participants continues to rise. Over 250 students participated in the Inter-School Orientation (ISO) for fellowship committee members in October, the largest number of participants in the last ten years. We witness that the “Lord of the harvest” is sending young people to serve Him on campus in urgency (Mt. 9:38).
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