Monthly Prayer Letter (Sep 2024)

Dear companions of FES,

I recently had the privilege of speaking with several seminary teachers about how to shape a trauma-sensitive church, and we all affirmed that this pastoral issue is of great concern at this time and place. Conventional churches are accustomed to placing objective truths above subjective emotions; to make their congregations obedient to certain teaching principles, the churches do not intentionally create space for emotional dialogue, which can easily lead to indifference and even conflicts in interpersonal relationships. Failure to address these emotional drivers will eventually bring some damaging harm to the church community.

We need to transform ‘dogmatic faith’ into a ‘presence-based faith experience’. We need to be aware of the Lord’s presence in our daily lives, likewise we need to be open to the needs of others. Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and ……

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Aug 2024)

Dear companions of FES,

This busy summer is drawing to a close. Apart from the intensive summer ministry, I had wonderful time to catch up with some of my dear friends who had returned to Hong Kong. We enjoyed the bonding of the Lord’s Fellowship. I hope that you could have some rest this summer, and also get together with your family and friends to feel the grace of a physical life of fellowship in the Lord. Only in the spiritual fellowship given by the Lord we can live out our true self-image and values. This loving relationship is not hindered by geography, social status, or identity (Gal. 3:26-28).

Before the new school year began, I had the opportunity to lead a few teachers’ retreats, and I realized that it is not easy for teachers to enter a quiet and steady rhythm in their careers. They are facing a lot of unrealistic expectations and ……

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Jul 2024)

Dear companions of FES,

June and July are the busiest months of the year for us. Our ministries are in full swing and our staff are in high gear. Yet in the midst of our ordinary human busyness, we are amazed to see the marvelous works of God. We would like to share the experience of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students’ East Asia Regional Conference (#IFES #EARC2024): We thank the Lord for leading 19 student delegates and 4 staff members to participate in this year’s EARC in Bangkok, Thailand, from July 3-9. All participants returned highly enriched. The theme of this year’s conference is Voice Matters, and the conference aims to help participants discern our God-given mission, enabling them to hear the voice from above amidst all the noise in the world.

EARC participants are mainly college fellowship leaders and fellow workers from the East Asia Region. With daily hymns and worship led by representatives from different movements, it was indeed an opportunity for us mortals to have a taste of ……

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Monthly Prayer Letter (JUN 2024)

Dear companions of FES,

In the history of mankind, the days of light were no more than the days of darkness; existing mankind may still recall the scene of the atomic bomb falling on a densely populated city, the blinding glare of which was the beginning of the spread of darkness once again. I recently shared with a fellow believer that the church must admit that the scope of the world’s unredeemed is vast. This refers not only to a geographical area, but also to ourselves, and even to the Church itself. We should not be stagnant and unwilling to face the reality for fear of falling down. True faith should confront reality without fear, like Job who dared to question (e.g., Job 13, 16) and speak to the Lord (e.g., Job 40) in the midst of dark perplexity. While we, like Job, are often unable to find the answers, we still need to thoroughly face all the realities and burdens of the Christian life and let the Lord Himself scrutinize them and ……

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Apr 2024)

Dear companions of FES,

I recently had a valuable opportunity to attend a course on psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, and the instructor mentioned that some clients would engage in abnormal behaviors, such as hurting themselves physically, in order to find a way out of their unbearable situation. The first step to support them is to actively listen to their life stories and understand their underlying thoughts and purposes. Mentors need to be patient in caring for the struggles of young people as they grow up, so that they have the space to express their emotions and feel valued in order to build a worthy life for themselves. I am reminded of the female lead in the movie The Lyricist Wannabe, who, instead of pursuing an accelerated career path after graduation, chose to follow a path full of setbacks in pursuit of her dreams. If you encountered such a young person, would you support her to step out bravely?

When God sent Samuel to choose the king of Israel from among the sons of Jesse, God was not looking at the outward appearance of a man’s physical features or behavior, but at the heart of……

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Mar 2024)

Dear companions of FES,

A philanthropist recently decided to “invest” in college students by donating a large sum of money to a New York medical college that waived tuition for all its students. Nearly half of the College’s students are of Asian, Hispanic, and African-American backgrounds, and many have graduated with about $200,000 in debt. This donation sets students free not only to attend medical school, which would otherwise be unaffordable, but also empowers the community for future growth and renewal. I also learnt from a report that six students from a secondary school in Tin Shui Wai participated in an innovation and technology exchange conference in Tokyo and heard the Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry speak in person. As young researchers with a passion for science and technology, they were inspired by this rare opportunity to broaden their horizons and ……

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Annual Appeal 2024

I had two days of solitude during this Lunar New Year, in which I was reminded of my family’s memories during the festive season. In the quiet, I recalled the days when I spent New Year’s Eve with my late mother. As a child, I made all kinds of goodies with her and shared them with my relatives and neighbors, and the memories of happy times are still fresh. I also thought of the FES staff who nurtured me during my college years. Without their unconditional dedication and patient guidance, I would not be able to take up the role of leading the ministry today. Could you recall the person who has accompanied you through the important stages of your life and still continues to speak to you as your mentor? Paul reminded his spiritual son, Timothy, not to be misled by evildoers or deceivers, but to remember what he had learned about faith (II Tim. 3:14-15). By the Holy Spirit, we are to “guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you” (II Tim. 1:14).

FES has nurtured generations of students, planting spiritual seeds in their lives to take root and grow in the hope that they will continue to “continue what they have learned and have become convinced of” throughout their lives. We affirm in the midst of this era, that FES is …

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Jan 2023)

In the year 2023, even though Hong Kong has finally entered “recovery” from various measures of pandemic control, it seems that the mental health of Hong Kong people would no longer be the normal state. Many young people are suffering from emotional disorders, and the incidence of suicides among schoolchildren is very serious. In response, we continue to promote a culture of listening in the churches through the Listening Campaign, which seeks to respond to situational needs. Last year, we also organized 9 “Mental Health First Aid (Caring for Youth Edition) Certificate Courses”, serving a total of about 180 people, to enhance believers’ understanding of mental health and their ability to help the affected individuals, so that the participants could be loving and knowledgeable when serving the youth. Some of the courses were organized in cooperation with university pastorates and churches, so that university students (including non-believers) could be benefited….

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Dec 2023)

I hope you enjoy a peaceful and loving Christmas. Apart from celebrating the birth of our Savior at Christmas, I also meditate on the life of the baby Jesus. According to the Gospel of Matthew, the newborn baby Jesus went from the “holy scene” into “exile” to escape from King Herod. Herod was so determined that this king of the Jews would not survive that he killed all the boys in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and under (Mt. 2:16-18). After Herod’s death and the succession of his son to rule Judea, Joseph, still afraid to go there again, moved his family back to Galilee and settled in the city of Nazareth, where Jesus became known as “the Nazarene” (Mt. 2:23).

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Christmas Gift Appeal 2023

The spate of suicides committed by young people in recent months has aroused the concern of various sectors of the community. Many surveys have shown that more than half of the young people are facing different degrees of emotional problems, and some of them even have symptoms of depression. In this challenging and ever-changing environment, FES staff are dedicated to serving and walking with the young believers as always, listening to their joys and sorrows and enabling them to find a timely refuge.

In recent years, there have been some changes in the FES staff team, with a number of senior staff, such as Maureen Tang, the Assistant General Secretary, honorably retiring at retirement age. We are grateful for…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Oct 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

Israel-Hamas conflict has been going on for more than two weeks now. Our hearts are deeply saddened to see innocent lives being sacrificed in the war. Besides prayer (which we may not know how to do), how can the church respond in faith? Sometimes, we fall into a mindset of dichotomy, arguing that we are in favor of one side and against the other, and which side is running the right or wrong course of action. This past weekend, my son and I were discussing the Israeli-Palestinian issue, and while trying to understand the facts, we also took a stance based on our own perceptions. To appear to be justified, we think we have the pulse of the problem, but we may have neglected the real situation of the local people. The very nature of war is evil, and……

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Sep 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

At a recent staff morning assembly, FES invited the International Justice Mission Hong Kong team to share on the crimes of child sexual exploitation on the Internet in Southeast Asia, which is outrageous. In addition to rescuing the victims, IJM staff hope to raise the awareness of the local churches so that justice and truth can shine in the darkness and expose the acts of the wicked. Isaiah’s prophet warned his people in the past that their faith was only a mere façade of ritual and indifference to the oppressed around them, “Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers…. Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” (Isa. 58:3b-6). How is our worship life pleasing to God today? Do we sing the Lord’s “peace” from within…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Aug 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

I just attended the four-yearly IFES World Assembly. During the eight days of intensive program, I met a lot of fellows who are striving to work with students despite the pandemic, as the theme of the conference describes, “Tabah dan Tangguh: Witnesses in the University and Beyond”. Also, I was touched by the fact that many participants were concerned about the changes in Hong Kong in recent years, and even took the initiative to invite us to meet for sharing and praying. Student movement around the world is experiencing a lot of impacts. We hope that everyone will be inspired by God’s marvelous works, and that when each of us goes back to our own positions, we will realize clearly who we are and what our roles are in the Kingdom of Heaven, and we will be able to overcome the difficulties and seek breakthroughs in our ministries.

The three participating students have had a profound experience and insight. We anticipate that they will continue to…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (Jul 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

After six years of hard work, students had finally come to the day when the Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) results were released. As always, the media loved to interview and report on the DSE champions. The difference is that this year, the number of straight-5**-students (regarded as valedictorian) has dropped dramatically. We are grateful for the alternative media coverage: stories of accompanying students on the release of the examination results; interviews with repeaters who had thought of giving up, but eventually persevered to finish. Some of the students mentioned that they might eventually have to give up pursuing further studies due to financial problems, even though he/she had scored good grades. No matter whether he is pursuing further education or employment, his hope of becoming a “calm, practical and responsible person” (cf. “The Voice” Instagram) is already worthy of applause.

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Monthly Prayer Letter (June 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

When June drew near, it might remind Hong Kong people of what happened in the past. Recently, a brother mentioned what I said at the inauguration ceremony of General Secretary in the beginning of the 2019. It feels like a lifetime ago. How do we carry our past experiences with us as we continue to move forward? We are shaped by our past history, but we need to be renewed by the Holy Spirit so that we can continue to grow (Rom. 12:2a). Sloth is considered a great sin in the Church’s tradition, because it leads away from God. Sloth does not mean laziness and inactivity, but in fact the very busy person also falls into the sin of sloth, because it is very easy to be led by desires or circumstances…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (May 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

As we face transitions in our lives, such as graduating from college and entering the workplace, can our presence bring some more blessings to the world? The prayer that Jesuit missionaries must ask as they join the ministry, “What will I do for Christ”, can help us understand more clearly the identity of who we are in the transition. No matter what the circumstances are, we can always do more for Christ to glorify Him. There are times, even in the increasingly unjust and darkened days of the long path, when the witness of those who serve reveals the light of Christ.

While the turnover of teachers in Hong Kong’s education sector remains a serious problem…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (April 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

Recently, I read in one sitting the new book, “Family Letters Made Public” 《被公開的家書》, which was given to me by Aunt Him (Mrs. CHAN Lau Kit Ching). It took me to several important stations on the path of Uncle Him (Rev. CHAN Hay Him) and Aunt Him’s ministry life. Even the faithful servants to the Lord cannot foresee which path the Lord has planned, but can only continue to devote themselves fully to Him in the midst of the difficult struggles of reality…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (March 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

Many pastors have expressed that how can there be a plan for pastoring a church in this time and place? With the impact of the times, perhaps it is the beginning of the church to be renewed. If we go into a pastoral scene with a set idea of how things should be, thinking, “Everything is going to be the same,” we will only find that everything has changed. Simply pursuing a previously set goal can easily lead to blindness, a failure to see the true needs of the audience…

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2023 FES Annual Appeal

Dear companions of FES,

In the beginning of this year, the FES team celebrates its journey with a grateful heart, not only because of the successful completion of the 65th anniversary thanksgiving event, but also because we have witnessed God calling generations of co-workers to serve the young people of Hong Kong in this great age and raising up generations of students to take up the mission of campus evangelism. Despite the impact and challenges of the pandemic…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (January 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

What are your New Year wishes for 2023? While some comment that they are not optimistic about the future in view of the growing tension in international relations, some experts predict that one-third of the world’s economies will fall into recession. As people of God, our perspective towards global conditions depends on God’s works. Wherever we are, may we recognize God’s work and cling to Him, and always be renewed in our mind…

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Monthly Prayer Letter (December 2022)

Dear companions of FES,

May we prepare ourselves for the Advent season and anticipate the coming of the Savior! We believe that the power of darkness will eventually be dispersed and that the Savior, through the presence of the Church, will show the world the true ruler of history with the work of the new heavens and earth already having begun today. From the third week of Advent, the waiting and longing has turned into a joyful experience…

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