Issue 501 – Feature Article: Encounter, Dialogue and Connection in Context

In recent courses and seminars, I have discussed with brothers and sisters the relationship between theology and context. Sometimes we expect faith to directly address the problems in our context, but let me quote the late theologian Webster, ‘Christian theology… is responsible in its context but not in any straightforward way responsible to its context.’[1] We need to clarify the distinction between ‘’doing theology in context‘’ and ‘’contextual theology‘’, and the variations in theological paths will also affect pastoral orientation and expectations. In today’s context, how should the mission of the church be concretely lived out in the light of the Gospel?

In recent years, we have continued to explore an unprecedented pastoral care issue for the people of Hong Kong, finding our way and direction amidst the challenges of the church’s context. Understanding of faith can never be separated from the real context, nor can it be stuck in a rut, avoiding the truth of reality. In these challenging times, if faith only looks at a portion of the facts in history, it is a weak faith that does not give believers the strength to withstand the dark valleys. We need to address the full extent of the facts, including the unhealed physical state of everyone, and the reality tells us that the powers of darkness are still rampant. When the church seems to be in desperate need of pastoral renewal or even transformation, theological reflection and discernment of the context remain essential and fundamental.

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Mission Quest: Sharing by Students of Inter-College Department Integral Mission Summer Internship Program (Issue 493)

This summer, our Inter-College Department continued to organize the Integral Mission Summer Program (IMSP), in which five students participated in the “Please Give Me a Cup of Cool Water Program”, four in the “Student Ministry/Media Ministry Program”, and two in the “Creation Care Summer Mission Program”. The following is the sharing of the participating students…

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Summer Program Sharing: Finding Our “State” In an Ever-changing World (Issue 493)

What is a normal state? What is a state of recovery? In what way is it a routine?

Perhaps in a world that seems to have returned to its original state with the passing of the pandemic, the former features have become blurred. As pandemic, aspects including society, and technology have undergo changes, revolutions, and transformations, the world we now live in seems to have put on make-up; Beautiful outwardly, but worn out at heart. The city is filled with confusion, trauma, disorientation, and disintegration. Options abound for young people to explore, but how do we choose?

What is God’s unchanging “state” in the midst of a variety of paths, and in a world where facts and illusions are becoming blurred? How does the daily routine we hold in our hands, put in our hearts, believe in and practice look like? This summer, more than ten current DSE students have embarked on this journey of seeking “the state” with God from the…

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Practice.Walking together – HKNCF Sharing (Issue 492)

When the COVID outbreak subsided last year, we focused our short-term missions back to the local community, partnering with local Christian organizations to provide simple health check-ups and deliver health talks.

In the local community ministry, we not only recruit nurses, but also encourage student nurses to participate. Since student nurses were not able to practise in hospitals or other settings during the pandemic, we hope that through this ministry, students can come into contact with people in the community, conduct simple health check-ups with the nurses, chat with the neighbors, and…

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Campus Frontline: Non-Mainstream Pioneers – Sharing of the IG Ministry of the Inter-School DepartmentCampus Frontline: Non-Mainstream Pioneers – (Issue 492)

Adrianne Lee, Associate Staff of Inter-School Department
[email protected]

Our lives, culture, preferences, favorite songs, favorite brands, etc. are all influenced by the “mainstream”. We all love to follow the “mainstream” because it is safe, it will not make any mistake, and it will not be strange. This also affects our church life and campus fellowship life. Fellowships are often short of people to lead worship and small groups, and mainstream always recruits people who love music to be on the worship team, and people who are “talkative and social” to be the group leaders.

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Issue 492 Featured Article: Articulate the movement of the spirit –Introduction of Inter-School Ministry for the New School Year

The most important feature of Instagram’s “Your Story” is that it is “24-hour limited”, your story will automatically disappear after one day. It would not be exaggerating to say that this is one of the “more comfortable” ways of sharing amongst young people in recent years. Perhaps it reflects their life pattern and shape in the midst of constant change.

In his book, The Wounded Healer, Henri Nouwen used “articulate the movement of the spirit” to depict the knowledge and narratives that move between the everyday and the spiritual, and as a peer proposal to respond to a generation that lacks a vision. If the two “movements” are visualized together, “how to discover and speak of God’s presence…

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Special Feature: The Testimonies of Lives—Secondary School Educators Who Persevere in the Narrow Gap (Issue 491)

Schools have been the first to be affected by the rapid changes in Hong Kong. Many youth workers continue to do their best to nurture students with Christian values on secondary school campuses. We interviewed three teachers and a school chaplain to see how they continue to persevere in spite of the difficulties.

Journey of Life Impacting on Life | Mr. Chan
Mr. Chan said that he entered the education field because of his A level Chinese teacher, who had a profound impact on him in just one and a half years. “He brought me to the church, and opened my eyes to the Chinese language and Christianity. He also integrated his faith and life very well,, and his pastoral care for people influenced me to choose to become a teacher.” This kind of pastoral care influences how Mr. Chan mentors his students today…

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Campus Frontline: Dwelling in the Word in the Time of Separation (Issue 491)

The training of Inter-College Department in this semester follows the theme of the Bible Camp 2022, exploring how to find the courage to survive in a time of disruption and separation. The Bible Study Leaders Training, [Stay a Moment with the Interpretation of John], continued their study of the Gospel of John, hoping to draw light and healing from Jesus’ parting words, while the Spiritual Discipline Introductory Class, [We Who Encounter with the Lord], learned how to recognize the voice of the Lord and live in His presence…

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Issue 490 Featured Article: Desiring Holiness: Re-formation of the Saints CommunityTheme for the Inter-College Department’s 2023-24 Ministry Program

The pandemic, which has lasted for more than three years, has finally come to an end. Although everything is declared “back to normal”, what is normal? The past normality is long gone, and there is only a “new reality” at this moment. College campuses have long been deprived of normality. They are no longer a place for students to explore and grow freely, but preventing them from getting together and experiencing community life…

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Special Feature: From University to Seminary —— Theology Students’ Life Stories with FES (Issue 490)

FES has witnessed graduates practicing their vocations in a variety of positions, many of whom have chosen to study theology. We invited two seminary students who have participated in FES to see how the Student Evangelism Movement has influenced them on their path to theology.

Support in Transition
“I decided to serve full-time when I was in college fellowship. …

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Issue 490 Featured Article: Spirituality, Community, Mission

In recent years, “spirituality” has become a common concern among believers. These concerns are not only about clarifying a concept, but also about developing an awareness, about knowing oneself and knowing the Lord, and about how the Lord guides one’s path in life. It is when one pursues the journey to a deeper understanding of the Lord that he or she comes closest to their true self and understands best their unique calling and their role and place in the heavenly community…

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Special Feature: Identify God’s Calling–GCF 65th Anniversary Refocus (Issue 489)

This year marks the 65th anniversary of Graduates Christian Fellowship of Hong Kong (GCF) and FES. Confronted with pandemic, energy shortage, price inflation, Russia-Ukraine war, etc., the world is facing the domino effect, no corner of the globe is left unaffected. Hong Kong further needs to face serious problems including immigration, social unrest, brain drain and succession gap. As Christians, how should we navigate and respond to these changes? Can the workplace mission we are promoting at GCF open up a dialogue with graduates of all ages and put this evangelical movement into practice together…

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