Issue 501 – Feature Article: Encounter, Dialogue and Connection in Context
In recent courses and seminars, I have discussed with brothers and sisters the relationship between theology and context. Sometimes we expect faith to directly address the problems in our context, but let me quote the late theologian Webster, ‘Christian theology… is responsible in its context but not in any straightforward way responsible to its context.’[1] We need to clarify the distinction between ‘’doing theology in context‘’ and ‘’contextual theology‘’, and the variations in theological paths will also affect pastoral orientation and expectations. In today’s context, how should the mission of the church be concretely lived out in the light of the Gospel?
In recent years, we have continued to explore an unprecedented pastoral care issue for the people of Hong Kong, finding our way and direction amidst the challenges of the church’s context. Understanding of faith can never be separated from the real context, nor can it be stuck in a rut, avoiding the truth of reality. In these challenging times, if faith only looks at a portion of the facts in history, it is a weak faith that does not give believers the strength to withstand the dark valleys. We need to address the full extent of the facts, including the unhealed physical state of everyone, and the reality tells us that the powers of darkness are still rampant. When the church seems to be in desperate need of pastoral renewal or even transformation, theological reflection and discernment of the context remain essential and fundamental.
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