Issue 501 – Feature Article: Encounter, Dialogue and Connection in Context
Barry Cheung, General Secretary
[email protected]
In recent courses and seminars, I have discussed with brothers and sisters the relationship between theology and context. Sometimes we expect faith to directly address the problems in our context, but let me quote the late theologian Webster, ‘Christian theology… is responsible in its context but not in any straightforward way responsible to its context.’[1] We need to clarify the distinction between ‘’doing theology in context‘’ and ‘’contextual theology‘’, and the variations in theological paths will also affect pastoral orientation and expectations. In today’s context, how should the mission of the church be concretely lived out in the light of the Gospel?
In recent years, we have continued to explore an unprecedented pastoral care issue for the people of Hong Kong, finding our way and direction amidst the challenges of the church’s context. Understanding of faith can never be separated from the real context, nor can it be stuck in a rut, avoiding the truth of reality. In these challenging times, if faith only looks at a portion of the facts in history, it is a weak faith that does not give believers the strength to withstand the dark valleys. We need to address the full extent of the facts, including the unhealed physical state of everyone, and the reality tells us that the powers of darkness are still rampant. When the church seems to be in desperate need of pastoral renewal or even transformation, theological reflection and discernment of the context remain essential and fundamental.
Reflections on the History of Captivity
The people of Hong Kong who have emigrated and those who have stayed behind are also living in the same context as the Jews during the period of captivity, and the discourses among them are different in terms of their value judgements and orientations as the political environment of Hong Kong has changed. Similarly, both carry a heavy burden of emotional rise and fall as they face ups and downs of coming together and going apart. In fact, both parties suffer and should not judge each other based on the consideration and choice of staying or going, but need to mutually coexist and be connected in faith, recognizing that we are all wounded, and that only the cross of Christ can reconcile and deeply connect our relationship in salvation.
Thinking about the Nature of Pastoral Care
From the perspective of church pastoral care, both churches in Hong Kong and churches hosting Hong Kong people abroad have a great lesson to learn and to reflect afresh on the very nature and form of pastoral care. Let me reaffirm the fundamental importance of Christology to pastoral care. Pastoral care is not only about reminding the recipients to know Christ as Lord, but also about practically proclaiming Christ as Lord in pastoral care and being open to always listen to others. Christ also appeals to the pastor to turn to Him again through the different members of the congregation. Pastoral care should not be detached from the foundation of God’s Word, not only teaching ‘God’s Word’, but also using ‘God’s Word’ as the foundation for building relationships with others. We reaffirm our commitment to Christ as Lord of the Church and as the mediator of our relationships with our brothers and sisters. We welcome the needy and the hurting as we would welcome Christ Himself, for every ‘little one’ is valued in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Pastoral care is an encounter with Christ, the Divine You. True pastoral care enters an ‘I and Thou’ relationship. The goal of true pastoral care is to bring the congregation into a real ‘I and Thou’ relationship with Jesus Christ.
Reflections on Community Relationships
The local churches in Hong Kong are faced with a loss of manpower and resources, which makes it necessary to rebuild the internal dynamics of the churches. The church community must practice inclusion and see one another. Is the church willing to provide space for the hurting generation to build a place of stability and trust? A place where members can be themselves, release their voices and discover new versions of themselves, discover and meet different people, live together in the church and enjoy relationships with each other.
The church is a place where people can encounter and get to know each other. If overseas Chinese churches need to receive Hong Kong people who have emigrated, the churches in Hong Kong also need to receive the new generation or new immigrants who have different values. In facing the changes in circumstances, the church should be humble and open-minded in seeing everyone, ‘in humility value others above yourselves’ (Phil. 2:3), but all in contact with one another in the grace of Christ and grows with a growth which is from God. (Col. 2:19).
[1] John Webster, T & T Clark Reader in John Webster (London: T & T Clark, 2020.) p.147.
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