Monthly Prayer Letter (Sep 2023)

Dear companions of FES,

At a recent staff morning assembly, FES invited the International Justice Mission Hong Kong team to share on the crimes of child sexual exploitation on the Internet in Southeast Asia, which is outrageous. In addition to rescuing the victims, IJM staff hope to raise the awareness of the local churches so that justice and truth can shine in the darkness and expose the acts of the wicked. Isaiah’s prophet warned his people in the past that their faith was only a mere façade of ritual and indifference to the oppressed around them, “Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers…. Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” (Isa. 58:3b-6). How is our worship life pleasing to God today? Do we sing the Lord’s “peace” from within the comfort of our walls without putting any effort into trying to stop the horrible evil that is going on around us?

Likewise, Jesus accused the Jews of his day of making the temple of God’s worship a den of robbers to cover up their wickedness (Mt. 21:13). The house of God becomes a refuge for the hypocrites when the people worship merely in rituals but depart from the rules of truth, pursuing the desires of their hearts and rejecting the way of life. Therefore, we should be alerted—does the church today preach a peace that is unaware of the suffering of the people? Sometimes the congregation feels saddened by the absence of young people, yet also needs to be alerted if the Word of God has also left this place.

On our campus, we have met many young people who are serious about pursuing the truth. This summer, FES organized the first Youth Bible Conference, which is an inter-departmental collaboration between our Inter-School and Inter-College Department, equipping the tertiary students to greet the secondary students who are going to enter the university, and the outcome was desirable. The following is the testimony of one of the participants:

“My greatest impression of the Bible Conference was the sense of resonance. For example, I have the same feelings and situations that was run in the game activities about campus ministry. After that, in the Bible study, we learned the proper mindset for ministry through the Bible, which gave me more confidence and strengthened my heart. The whole program is very useful for all involved in campus ministry work, and I am happy to have learned so much from the activities.”

In addition to leading the overall development of FES, I am also leading the HKU Christian Association’s “Theology Introductory Group”. Surprisingly, 30 new students registered this year and expressed their willingness to join this group. I believe that the Lord will continue to keep young believers to grow up and reflect seriously on their faith. This confirms my own constant calling to establish a new paradigm in student work and theological education, so that the younger generation will have a good foundation in Bible study and theological reflection, and will be well prepared for the ministry and challenges that lie ahead.

In the past few years, despite the impact of migration and the economic downturn, FES staff has been dedicated in serving the younger generation, balancing ministry development and resource management, and fulfilling the role of a faithful steward. We are grateful and appreciate the support and trust of each and every one of our supporters. I would like to encourage college and university students and young graduates to join the “Walking Together Against the Current” project and make a monthly contribution to support the student evangelism ministry. The Lord will be pleased with your heart.

May your daily walk with the Lord be blessed!


Your brother,

Barry Cheung
General Secretary


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      1. Crossed cheque: Please make it payable to “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (H.K.) Ltd.”.

      1. Direct deposit / E-banking: Hang Seng Bank 286-126024-002 / HSBC 108-074980-001

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    * Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.

    Mailing Address: 11/F, Cheung Lee Commercial Building, No. 137-143 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Email Address: [email protected]

    Donation Methods (Oversea)

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            1 International Boulevard
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