Annual Appeal 2025

Dear companions of FES,

I remember meeting with Rev Timothy Au, an honourably retired teacher of CGST, at the end of last year. Besides discussing the arrangements for staff retreat camp, he repeatedly expressed to me and my co-workers, “The work of FES in this era proves to be very important and crucial, therefore, you must persevere!” I wholeheartedly agree with this, especially at a time when youth ministry is seeking for a way out, and the mission and ministry of FES to build up student evangelical communities on campuses shows a great deal of significance. If youth ministry fails, how can we possibly see a future for the church?

Inter-School Orientation

We all feel the challenges brought by the current situation in the past few years. Yet when I closely count God’s faithful guidance in the FES team, I am greatly thankful for the fruitfulness of all our ministries. During the pandemic, we started the “idontdevotion” Instagram, which allowed secondary school students to learn about the Lord of Life through daily Bible reading and prayer. By the end of last year, the number of people reached by “idontdevotion” rose to 15,000 per month, including secondary school students, tertiary students and youth instructors, and the number of participants continues to rise. Over 250 students participated in the Inter-School Orientation (ISO) for fellowship committee members in October, the largest number of participants in the last ten years. We witness that the “Lord of the harvest” is sending young people to serve Him on campus in urgency (Mt. 9:38).

(Inter-College) Bible Camp

Regarding the ministry among tertiary students, we engage those who are willing to deepen their faith in the Bible through our annual Bible Camp held after Christmas. This year, we will be organizing the third Youth Bible Conference (tentatively scheduled for July 31 and August 1 at the EFCC Waterloo Hill Church) to reach out to prospective college students and those who have not yet been exposed to college fellowship. Through these two camps, and along with the semester and summer joint-school ministry trainings, we nurture and care for over 500 college believers each year. In the past two years, we have strengthened our cooperation with various seminaries to provide quality training in biblical interpretation and theological reflection, so as to equip young disciples who know themselves, possess a sensitivity to the times, and value both intellect and spirituality.

Latest Publication

We also published two new books last year, Urban Spirituality and Bible Reading is a Journey of Traversing. Response to the former has been encouraging as it has been sold out and reprinted within three months. The latter is part of a new series called “Bible Engagement”, which aims to inspire churches to live the Bible and experience the power of encountering the Word. Please pray for our future publishing ministries. In addition to the Bible Engagement series, we are planning an introductory theology series that will provide young generation or theological students with basic entry points into various topics and increase awareness of faith and academic dialogue, equipping readers to critique secularization from a theological perspective rather than being led by the world. Please pray for the authors involved in this project.

Since July last year, the financial situation of FES remains unsatisfactory. Compared to last year, both the number of donors and the total amount of donations have dropped, resulting in a shortfall of more than HK$900,000 for the current year (after deducting depreciation), which has put a lot of pressure on the operation. If you agree with the vision and mission of FES, please act on your conviction in the Lord, or introduce the work of FES to those around you. 2024 Annual Report is available online (Chinese version only), giving you a full picture of FES’s spiritual fruits in the past year.

Recently I have been meditating on the words of the New Testament, “Blessed is the woman who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” (Lk. 1:45). Who is this “woman”? It would make sense to refer to Elizabeth who gave birth to a son in her old age. The Lord answered her prayers at the perfect time and blessed her with the birth of John in her senior years, the one who “prepared the way of the Lord”. Today, will you believe that you will be one of the blessed ones in the Lord’s Kingdom and in His time?

Your brother,

Barry Cheung

General Secretary

Donation Methods (Local)

  1. Online donation: please fill in the One-Off Donation form or Monthly Donation form, and submit via PayPal system.
  2. PayMe: Please scan the following QR code, and pay via PayMe. Please fill in your donation items and donor number (if any) in the remarks or message column.
  3. Faster Payment System: (FPS ID: 1915727), transfer to “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Hong Kong) Ltd.”. Please fill in your donation items and donor number (if any) in the remarks or message column.
  4. Crossed cheque: Please make it payable to “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (H.K.) Ltd.”.
  5. Direct deposit / E-banking: Hang Seng Bank 286-126024-002 / HSBC 108-074980-001 / Standard Chartered Bank 574-0-067544-4.
  6. For credit card / autopay donation, please fill in the donation form.

* Please send us the Donation Envelope, enclosing with cheque, bank-in slip or screenshot of successful FPS payment via mail or email (for bank-in-slip and FPS screenshot only).
* Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.

Mailing Address: 11/F, Cheung Lee Commercial Building, No. 137-143 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Email Address: [email protected]

Donation Methods (Oversea)

Donors desiring tax-deductible receipts for income tax purposes must give through the following organization to receive the necessary receipts.

  • Cheque Donation
    Making cheques payable to “IFES/USA” and send to the following address.
    PO Box 46007
    Madison, WI 53744 

    Making cheques payable to “InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of Canada”
    and send to the following address.
    Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
    1 International Boulevard
    Toronto, Ontario,
    M9W 6H3 Canada

    Making cheques payable to “IFES” and send to the following address.
    5 Blue Boar Street
    Oxford OX1 4EE
    United Kingdom
     * Please mark “H.K.F.E.S.” at the left bottom corner and
    “designation # 100088” at the back of the cheque.

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