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Campus Missionaries Program

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Cultivating campus missionaries as the light of the city

FES Mission Statement
We bear witness to the liberating and renewing power of the Gospel,
gathering generations of students and graduates into communities of disciples who heed the Word of God,
and there and then, on the campus, in the marketplace and society, discern who they truly are, joyfully accept their calling, and, 
for the sake of Christ and of his church, testify to the world as light shining in the darkness.

FES longs to see with the churches the vision of God that is to rise up missionaries on campus. Showing the hope of living in Christ to the pessimistic world, these missionaries would light up their campuses and the city with the truth of Christ. With the “3H integrated dimension”, FES cultivates the new generation to become campus missionaries who would live in the present and care for others’ lives genuinely. Not only do we emphasize on critical thinking (Head) based on biblical and theological perspectives, but also focus on the hands-on experience (Hand) and feelings (Heart). As you walk with FES, the recognition and support you give to us in Christ would encourage us to embark on greater missions.

Our goal

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