Issue 498—Worship Training˙Life Growth—Introduction of Joint Schools Worship Team of Inter-School Department
Adrianne Lee, Assistant Staff of Inter-School Department
“When we gather for worship, we proclaim and retell the Good News and allow it to enter into our lives and shape us. According to the Apostle Paul, singing leads to edification. …… Psalms are constantly proclaiming God’s story and truth. The psalms, hymns, and canticles, the choruses and solos, always proclaim how God works out salvation so that we may not lose our way and our lives may be renewed.”[1]
Worship is as natural as the breath we are born with. Music and art are the mediums through which the Lord speaks and continues to speak to people. From a young age, we have been exposed to pop music, worship songs, and hymns. Perhaps we are born with a musical worship-enthusiastic blood running through our bodies, or a soothing sense of love for the natural created world flowing through us, or a burning desire to walk with different ethnic groups, all of which come from the Lord. We have heard and witnessed many secondary school students who have been touched by hymns, music, and art over the years, and anticipate to respond to the Lord with musical worship and to lead the community in worship. Facing the struggles of life, seeing the needs of the world, longing for the Lord and crying out for His presence in our lives – young people often seek to have these manifested or responded to in worship.

Gathering of Worship Members
October is an important time of the year for the Joint Schools Worship Team; a time to lead all students in worshiping the Lord on the Inter-School Orientation (ISO), which is also the kick-off point for the new Joint Schools Worship Team. “Hello, everyone! We are the Joint Schools Worship Team! I’m from…”. Being influenced by the seniors fellow students from previous year who led worship freely and confidently, with the love for music and desire to be used by the Lord, as well as wanting to worship with Christians from different schools, many students from fellowship committees became part of the Joint Schools Worship Team. This year’s Joint Schools Worship Team started at the end of last year.
Seeing these young people’s love for worship and openness to faith, and also at the starting point of their faith, our staff had a vision to build a discipleship worship team by integrating a series of daily training for the joint school worship team—worship music training, team building, interpretation and skills in leading worship, and reading worship theology books together.
Nurturing Young Life

“Paul… in his book of Colossians, emphasized that Christians must come to God with spiritual songs and psalms from the heart, so that the Word of God and the doctrines of Christianity may be proclaimed, and believers may be instructed and put into practice.”
How can the team members who love worship sing and play life-giving rhythms from deep within their hearts? Besides the performance techniques, it is more important to understand and believe in the word of the Lord in the heart. Through music, people can meet with the living word in worship, and then live out the word of the Lord with their lives. Thus, members of the Joint Schools Worship Team share their lives, support each other in prayer, learn about the center and meaning of worship, discuss the theme, select songs and prepare the flow of leading worship, and study scripture passages related to the worship theme together. Through an integral and discipleship style of daily training, we seek to see the members of the Joint Schools Worship Team not only invest their time and energy in the moment of going out to worship, or the “vague fire” of a moment of “excitement” and “fervent” worship piled up by surging music, but rather, the team members will understand the object and center of the worship or the skills, enabling them to become more connected with the Lord in their lives, so that His story can enter into our lives and shape us.
In facing the ever-changing world, despite social, academic, and emotional challenges, young people, with the grace of the Lord and the earnestness of their faith, still insist on scheduling time to worship together. May we all become worshippers who walk the talk—not only when we lead worship, but in our whole being. May we proclaim God’s great redemptive work through praise, and may we release the hardships and difficulties of life through praise!
[1] Robert E. Webber, Enter His Courts with Praise: a Study of the Role of Music and the Arts in Worship (Carol Stream: Hendrickson, 1995).
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