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Monthly Prayer Letter (JUN 2024)

Dear companions of FES,

In the history of mankind, the days of light were no more than the days of darkness; existing mankind may still recall the scene of the atomic bomb falling on a densely populated city, the blinding glare of which was the beginning of the spread of darkness once again. I recently shared with a fellow believer that the church must admit that the scope of the world’s unredeemed is vast. This refers not only to a geographical area, but also to ourselves, and even to the Church itself. We should not be stagnant and unwilling to face the reality for fear of falling down. True faith should confront reality without fear, like Job who dared to question (e.g., Job 13, 16) and speak to the Lord (e.g., Job 40) in the midst of dark perplexity. While we, like Job, are often unable to find the answers, we still need to thoroughly face all the realities and burdens of the Christian life and let the Lord Himself scrutinize them and provide a timely response.

We must not lose hope in Christ’s resurrection of the human world, where human “impossibilities” become unexpected “possibilities” through the Lord’s mercy (cf. Luke 7:11-17). Hope energizes life and gives us a glimpse of grace, “To us who are in flux, what could be a more human salvation than to be encouraged to hold on to hope? For us who are travelers, what is better than the light that opens the way and emboldens us to go forward? For at the end of the road we will recognize the light of eternal love” (Ratzinger, Vomm Sinn des Christeins).

We are grateful for the well-accomplished “Youth Ministry Forum”, which was attended by nearly 100 pastors and mentors, with in-depth discussions and sincere exchanges in each session. We sincerely hope that each of our youth coworkers will be inspired and motivated to return to their roles and serve with dedication. The forum ended with communion and mission in the Lord. May each of you discern the Lord’s guidance and be faithful to the trust entrusted to you.

FES’ summer ministry has begun. Four Inter-college Department interns have stepped up to work with the team (with two more interns at affiliate organizations) designing and leading some of the sessions for the Youth Bible Conference to be held in early August. 5 staff members will join 19 students to participate in the EARC in early July and are making final preparations. Please support them prayerfully. In addition, the DSE Discipleship Program of the Inter-School Department has entered the independent study stage. Please pray for the 10 Form 6 students for their dedication and learning. Our staff are also preparing for the IS Camp in late July. May the Lord help us to recruit suitable students from Form 3 to Form 5 to participate in the camp.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement to FES, enabling our team not to feel alone in our ministry, but to continue to follow the Lord’s vision, and to persevere in student evangelism and various ministry trainings in these difficult times. FES’s financial year ended at the end of June, and up to now our recurrent expenses for this year are still about HK$600,000 in shortfall. Please consider making a donation this month if you are willing to respond with a monetary gift, so that we can plan for the new year with greater confidence. FES is blessed to have all of you walking with us in sincerity.

Your brother,

Barry Cheung

General Secretary

Donation Methods (Local)


      1. Faster Payment System: (FPS ID: 1915727), transfer to “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Hong Kong) Ltd.”. Please fill in your donation items and donor number (if any) in the remarks or message column.

      1. Crossed cheque: Please make it payable to “Fellowship of Evangelical Students (H.K.) Ltd.”.

      1. Direct deposit / E-banking: Hang Seng Bank 286-126024-002 / HSBC 108-074980-001

    * Please send us the Donation Envelope, enclosing with cheque, bank-in slip or screenshot of successful FPS payment via mail or email (for bank-in-slip and FPS screenshot only).
    * Donations over $100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong with our receipts.

    Mailing Address: 11/F, Cheung Lee Commercial Building, No. 137-143 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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